I began to search on Etsy so see if there was any fabrics that caught my eye. What an understatement. I came across this handsome design, and the decision was made for me...
Really, who could resist? Next I found black stretchy lace, and bright red ribbon for the band and tie. I pieced the apron together in four parts. The skirt, the top (two pieces), and the tie/band.
A close up of the graphics...
The top portion is lined with the black lace. The band is layered with the fabric, the black lace, and the bright red ribbon. This provided stability to the band so it was able to tie in the back.
And the proud owner, Alex. What better way to celebrate the fourth of July, than with this apron? Everyone loves a little Christmas in July!
Check out the model working that apron! Serve that pasta salad!